About Us
Sweet Peeps Microsanctuary is a loving, safe, home for chickens rescued from animal agriculture. Most of our residents were rescued from industrial animal agriculture and are Cornish Crosses, the main breed used by the meat industry. A smaller number of our residents are victims of the backyard chicken industry. You can read more about them at the Meet Our Residents page.
You Have The Power to Save Them & The Planet

"Under The Banana Tree"
At Sweet Peeps...
We strive to be a model of compassion and respect, to demonstrate to the world that chickens are individuals with personalities, intelligence, and preferences and to model non-exploitative, respectful, loving caretaking in order to provide our residents the best life possible, while being part of a movement that seeks to end the practice of exploiting non-human animals like chickens for food.
We can all be part of creating new norms and a more compassionate world for all by rejecting animal agriculture and embracing a plant-based diet. Sweet Peeps Microsanctuary strives to be a glimpse of a better world, one based in kindness, respect, and compassion for all beings. Please join us.
Our vision is a world where chickens, and all living beings, are treated with respect and compassion. A world free of exploitation based on ideas of superiority, whether they be based in race, religion, nationality, sex, class, sexual orientation, ability, or species. We envision a world where compassion is the norm, where we protect the innocent and preserve our planet, where slaughterhouses are no more than a relic of a less enlightened past, a world where we all can live, and thrive, together.
The mission of the Sweet Peeps is to provide a natural, safe, healthy environment where our chickens are treated as the beings they are, not as objects or commodities, where each individual is seen for who they are, and given every opportunity not only to to live but to thrive, where they are free to express natural behaviors such as dust-bathing and scratching and pecking the earth, where they have room and space to explore and enjoy the miracle of life and the second chance they’ve been given.
- Compassion
- Awareness
- Respect
- Kindness
- Equality
- Justice
Help Us Help Them!
The Founder

Tracey Glover
Tracey Winter Glover, JD, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Michigan, where she obtained her undergraduate degree and later her Juris Doctor.
In 2010, Tracey moved to Mobile, Alabama to be closer to her dad, from whom she inherited her lifelong love of animals. In 2014, she co-founded the intersectional animal rights group Awakening Respect and Compassion for all Sentient Beings (“ARC”), of which she remains the Executive Director.
In 2019, after being vegan for about 15 years, she adopted 8 chickens who had been rescued from the meat industry. These amazing chicken people are the original Sweet Peeps!
Recently, Tracey released a documentary entitled “Until All Are Free,” which examines the far reaching impacts of animal agriculture.
With gratitude to The Pollination Project for supporting our mission and our work!